Home Instead Senior Care - Milton Keynes
Location and contact details
Home Instead Senior Care - Milton Keynes is a homecare provider situated in Milton Keynes. The provider cares for adults of all ages including people with physical disabilities. Additionally, the agency is able to support people with dementia.
The agency has been operating since December 2014. In the last report by the CQC from March 2019, Home Instead Senior Care - Milton Keynes received an overall rating of good.
Milton Keynes Home Care Ltd is registered as the provider that operates the care provider. There are no other providers registered by the same group in England.
To enquire about availability at Home Instead Senior Care - Milton Keynes, give the office a call at 01908774333. Additional information is available online at www.homeinstead.co.uk/miltonkeynes.
What people are saying about Home Instead Senior Care - Milton Keynes