KVN Care Ltd t/a Home Instead Slough
Location and contact details
KVN Care Ltd t/a Home Instead Slough is a care agency located in Slough. The provider cares for and supports younger and elderly adults including people with Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. Additionally, the company is able to support people with mental health conditions and physical disabilities.
The agency has been registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) since June 2022. It has not yet received a report from the CQC.
KVN Care Ltd is registered as the provider that operates KVN Care Ltd t/a Home Instead Slough. There are no other providers registered by the same group in England.
For more information about KVN Care Ltd t/a Home Instead Slough, please contact the agency at 01753247740. More details can be found on www.homeinstead.co.uk/slough.
What people are saying about KVN Care Ltd t/a Home Instead Slough